using echoe now for building gem & ge... was committed by Christopher Bertels
Thursday Nov 13
changeset -
name attribute is also set now when s... was committed by Christopher Bertels
Wednesday Nov 05
changeset -
renamed Dialog#showOption to show_opt... was committed by Christopher Bertels 12:41 AM changeset
added button_events module and check_... was committed by Christopher Bertels
Tuesday Nov 04
changeset -
combobox added. also added another ex... was committed by Christopher Bertels 01:13 AM changeset
gemspec updated. now at v0.2.2 http:/... was committed by Christopher Bertels 01:13 AM changeset
corrected rdoc for Events.map method ... was committed by Christopher Bertels 12:25 AM changeset
refactored event_for calls out and ad... was committed by Christopher Bertels 12:21 AM changeset
.gitignore updated: now ignoring doc/... was committed by Christopher Bertels
Monday Nov 03
changeset -
now at version 0.2.1 http://github.co... was committed by Christopher Bertels 04:51 PM changeset